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Belle French
Enchanted Forest Nhân vật
Thông tin sinh học
Giới tính: Female
Tình trạng: Deceased
Nhà: Belle and Gold's House
Her house (briefly)
Jolly Roger (formerly)

Underbrooke Pawnshop (formerly)
Gold House (formerly)
Camelot Castle (formerly)
Library apartment (formerly)
Hospital ward (formerly)
Nghề: Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)
Librarian (formerly)
Người thân:
  • Xem "Gia đình"
Dáng tả vật lý
Chủng loài: Human
Màu tóc: Grey
Brown (formerly)
Màu mắt: Blue
Thông tin Show
Vẽ bởi: Emilie de Ravin
Xuất hiện đầu tiên: "Skin Deep"
Xuất hiện cuối cùng: "Beauty"
Đề cập cuối cùng: "One Little Tear"
Relevant Pages

Belle French,[1] also known as Mrs. Gold[2] and briefly known as Lacey, is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. She débuts in the twelfth episode of the first season. She is portrayed by guest star Emilie de Ravin, and is the Storybrooke counterpart of Belle.

Belle French is based on Ellie from the Disney/Pixar film Up.

Gia đình[]

Belle French †


Bản mẫu:Appearances7

Bản mẫu:AppearancesOther Note: "Archive" denotes archive footage.


Bản mẫu:ScrollBox

  1. File:401Newspaper2.png
  2. "A Tale of Two Sisters", "Beauty", Once Upon a Time, ABC